Prompt Baseで販売されている画像を真似してプロンプトを作ってみた!クリムゾンダークナイトファンタジー編

- 参考文献
- 実際のプロンプト(ミッドジャーニーとCopilotで試しています)
- 基本事項まとめ



Discussion 1 = '[Disastrous mechanical arm.]'.
Discussion 2 = '[sailor suits, waistcoat jumpers, miniskirts, santa costumes]',
Discussion 3 = '[Disastrous mechanical arm].',
Argument 4 = 'Ritual of the Covenant',
Fearless abstract scene from 'Argument 1' against a dark sky. In the foreground, 'Argument 2' and 'Argument 3' are strung together. The shape of 'Argument 4' in the background. Illustration with holographic finish with depth. The overall atmosphere is suggestive, divine and disastrous, perhaps representing loneliness, contemplation or the complexity of overcoming the trials of life. Write a short story with wild splashes of paint, a crimson full moon and characters lost in a labyrinth, facing the difficulties and loneliness of the labyrinth." --ar 16:9 --v 6
Discussion 1 = '[Giant mecha]'.
Discussion 2 = '[beautiful girls]',
Discussion 3 = '[Black fountain]',
Argument 4 = 'Ritual of the Covenant',
Fearless abstract scene from 'Argument 1' against a dark sky. In the foreground, 'Argument 2' and 'Argument 3' are strung together. The shape of 'Argument 4' in the background. Illustration with holographic finish with depth. The overall atmosphere is suggestive, divine and disastrous, perhaps representing loneliness, contemplation or the complexity of overcoming the trials of life. Write a short story with wild splashes of paint, a crimson full moon and characters lost in a labyrinth, facing the difficulties and loneliness of the labyrinth." --ar 16:9 --v 6
Discussion 1 = '[Distant giant mecha]'.
Discussion 2 = '[miniskirts, santa costumes]',
Discussion 3 = '[White source]',
Argument 4 = 'Ritual of the Covenant',
Fearless abstract scene from 'Argument 1' against a dark sky. In the foreground, 'Argument 2' and 'Argument 3' are strung together. The shape of 'Argument 4' in the background. Illustration with holographic finish with depth. The overall atmosphere is suggestive, divine and disastrous, perhaps representing loneliness, contemplation or the complexity of overcoming the trials of life. Write a short story with wild splashes of paint, a crimson full moon and characters lost in a labyrinth, facing the difficulties and loneliness of the labyrinth." --ar 16:9 --v 6
- ★Discussion 1 = '[Disastrous mechanical arm.]'. ←可変要素「ディスカッション1=『【悲惨なメカニカルアーム。」
- ★Discussion 2 = '[sailor suits, waistcoat jumpers, miniskirts, santa costumes]', ←可変要素「議論2=「セーラー服、腰巻ジャンパー、ミニスカート、サンタコスチューム」、 」
- ★Discussion 3 = '[Disastrous mechanical arm].', ←可変要素「ディスカッション3=『【悲惨な機械腕】』」
- ★Argument 4 = 'Ritual of the Covenant', ←可変要素「議論4=「契約の儀式」」
- Fearless abstract scene from 'Argument 1' against a dark sky. ←固定要素「暗い空を背景にした「Argument 1」の大胆不敵な抽象的シーン。 」
- In the foreground, 'Argument 2' and 'Argument 3' are strung together. ←固定要素「手前には「論題2」と「論題3」が連なっている。」
- The shape of 'Argument 4' in the background. ←固定要素「背景に見えるのは「第4の議論」の形」
- Illustration with holographic finish with depth. The overall atmosphere is suggestive, divine and disastrous, perhaps representing loneliness, contemplation or the complexity of overcoming the trials of life. ←固定要素「奥行きのあるホログラム仕上げのイラスト。全体的な雰囲気は暗示的で、神々しく、禍々しい。おそらく孤独、思索、あるいは人生の試練を乗り越える複雑さを表しているのだろう。」
- Write a short story with wild splashes of paint, a crimson full moon and characters lost in a labyrinth, facing the difficulties and loneliness of the labyrinth." ←固定要素「ワイルドな絵の具の飛沫、深紅の満月、迷宮に迷い込んだ登場人物たちが、迷宮の困難や孤独に立ち向かう短編小説を書こう。」 」
- --ar 16:9
- --v 6 ←固定要素「バージョン6」

Generate image.
Discussion 1 = '[Disastrous mechanical arm.]'.
Discussion 2 = '[sailor suits, waistcoat jumpers, miniskirts, santa costumes]',
Discussion 3 = '[Disastrous mechanical arm].',
Argument 4 = 'Ritual of the Covenant',
Fearless abstract scene from 'Argument 1' against a dark sky. In the foreground, 'Argument 2' and 'Argument 3' are strung together. The shape of 'Argument 4' in the background. Illustration with holographic finish with depth. The overall atmosphere is suggestive, divine and disastrous, perhaps representing loneliness, contemplation or the complexity of overcoming the trials of life. Write a short story with wild splashes of paint, a crimson full moon and characters lost in a labyrinth, facing the difficulties and loneliness of the labyrinth."