Prompt Baseで販売されている画像を真似してプロンプトを作ってみた!抽象的なシルエットコラージュ アート編
- 参考文献
- 実際のプロンプト
- 基本事項まとめ
Argument 1 = "[one architect]" Argument 2 = "[gray, black, silver]" Argument 3 = "[a house" This abstract painting depicts the silhouette of "Argument 1.]" The silhouettes of the players are dark and filled with intricate patterns and textures." Dynamic, explosive coloring in bright colors such as "Argument 2" surrounds the player, conveying movement and energy. The background is white, with subtle textures and splashes of paint adding depth to the work. The overall mood conveyed by this painting is one of intensity, passion, and dynamism associated with "Argument 3. It might be something like, "To convey the intensity and passion, please abstract the action of "Argument 1" surrounded by an explosion of bright colors." Note that this is just a guess, as art is highly subjective and open to interpretation. --v 6.0
Argument 1 = "[one musician]" Argument 2 = "[black, white, red]" Argument 3 = "[piano.]" This abstract painting depicts the silhouette of "Argument 1." The silhouettes of the players are dark and filled with intricate patterns and textures." Dynamic, explosive coloring in bright colors such as "Argument 2" surrounds the player, conveying movement and energy. The background is white, with subtle textures and splashes of paint adding depth to the work. The overall mood conveyed by this painting is one of intensity, passion, and dynamism associated with "Argument 3. "To convey intensity and passion, abstract the action of "Argument 1" surrounded by an explosion of vibrant colors." --v 6.0
Argument 1 = "[one basketball player]" Argument 2 = "[red, orange, purple]" Argument 3 = [sports]" This abstract painting depicts the silhouette of "Argument 1." The silhouettes of the players are dark and filled with intricate patterns and textures." Dynamic, explosive coloring in bright colors such as "Argument 2" surrounds the player, conveying movement and energy. The background is white, with subtle textures and splashes of paint adding depth to the work. The overall mood conveyed by this painting is one of intensity, passion, and dynamism associated with "Argument 3. It might be something like, "To convey the intensity and passion, please abstract the action of "Argument 1" surrounded by an explosion of bright colors." Note that this is just a guess, as art is highly subjective and open to interpretation. --v 6.0
- ★ Argument 1 = "[one architect]" ←可変要素「引数1 = "[一人の建築家]" 」
- ★Argument 2 = "[gray, black, silver]" ←可変要素「引数2=「[灰色、黒、銀]」。」
- ★Argument 3 = "[a house" This abstract painting depicts the silhouette of "Argument 1.]" ←可変要素「引数3="[一軒の家]" この抽象画は"[議論1]"のシルエットを描いている。」
- The silhouettes of the players are dark and filled with intricate patterns and textures." ←固定要素「選手のシルエットは暗く、複雑な模様と質感に満ちている。" 」
- Dynamic, explosive coloring in bright colors such as "Argument 2" surrounds the player, conveying movement and energy. ←固定要素「議論2 "のような鮮やかな色彩によるダイナミックで爆発的な彩色が選手を取り囲み、動きとエネルギーを伝えている。」
- The background is white, with subtle textures and splashes of paint adding depth to the work. ←固定要素「背景は白で、微妙なテクスチャーと絵具の飛沫が作品に深みを与えている。」
- The overall mood conveyed by this painting is one of intensity, passion, and dynamism associated with "Argument 3. ←固定要素「この絵から伝わってくる全体的な雰囲気は、「議論3」から連想される激しさ、情熱、ダイナミズムのひとつである。」
- It might be something like, "To convey the intensity and passion, please abstract the action of "Argument 1" surrounded by an explosion of bright colors." ←固定要素「激しさと情熱を伝えるために、爆発するような明るい色に囲まれた「議論1」のアクションを抽象化してください "というようなことかもしれない。」
- Note that this is just a guess, as art is highly subjective and open to interpretation. ←固定要素「芸術は非常に主観的で解釈の余地があるため、これは単なる推測であることに注意してください。」
- --v 6 ←固定要素「ミッドジャーニーのバージョン」
そして下記はMicrosoftのEdgeで利用できるCopilot(DALL·E 3)で試してみたものです。
Generate an image.
Argument 1 = "[one architect]"
Argument 2 = "[gray, black, silver]"
Argument 3 = "[a house" This abstract painting depicts the silhouette of "Argument 1.]"
The silhouettes of the players are dark and filled with intricate patterns and textures."
Dynamic, explosive coloring in bright colors such as "Argument 2" surrounds the player, conveying movement and energy.
The background is white, with subtle textures and splashes of paint adding depth to the work.
The overall mood conveyed by this painting is one of intensity, passion, and dynamism associated with "Argument 3.
It might be something like, "To convey the intensity and passion, please abstract the action of "Argument 1" surrounded by an explosion of bright colors."
Note that this is just a guess, as art is highly subjective and open to interpretation.
MidjourneyとDALL·E 3ではある程度の差がありますが、無料で試すならEdgeのCopilotでお試しをするのが良いと思います。(注意点としてはCopilotで生成した画像は著作権的に商用利用が不可なところなので、個人的に使用する範囲内でお試し下さい。)
Copilotで画像生成する場合は例えば冒頭に「Please generate an image.」を冒頭に入れてその後にプロンプトを入力すれば画像生成してくれます。無料なので是非試してみてください。