Prompt Baseで販売されている画像を真似してプロンプトを作ってみた!古びたヴィンテージアート編

Prompt Baseで販売されている画像を真似してプロンプトを作ってみた!古びたヴィンテージアート編





  1. 参考文献
  2. 実際のプロンプト(ミッドジャーニーとCopilotで試しています)
  3. 基本事項まとめ






Argument 1 = “ome chess pieces on a chessboard” The various “Argument 1” designs seem to be The design is set against a background that looks like old parchment or a map, adding to the vintage, industrial aesthetic of the piece. A significant portion of the central image is covered with brown squares, making it difficult to determine what is underneath this area. The overall appearance suggests a complex and imaginative interpretation of a machine with a retro-futuristic feel. If one were to ask for a prompt to describe this image, it would be something like this: “Describe a steampunk-style machine design with a vintage, industrial aesthetic.” Write a short story set in a world powered by these complex steampunk machines. Old Vintage Art. Transform any object into vintage art. Check out this cool style! Get this Midjourney v6 prompt, add your own subject matter, and generate tons of these unique beauties. Use them for journaling, oracle cards, or whatever you want. Try it out! Detailed instructions and examples included. --v 6

Argument 1 = “The yin and yang gradient of the yin-yang shines.” The various “Argument 1” designs seem to be The design is set against a background that looks like old parchment or a map, adding to the vintage, industrial aesthetic of the piece. A significant portion of the central image is covered with brown squares, making it difficult to determine what is underneath this area. The overall appearance suggests a complex and imaginative interpretation of a machine with a retro-futuristic feel. If one were to ask for a prompt to describe this image, it would be something like this: “Describe a steampunk-style machine design with a vintage, industrial aesthetic.” Write a short story set in a world powered by these complex steampunk machines. Old Vintage Art. Transform any object into vintage art. Check out this cool style! Get this Midjourney v6 prompt, add your own subject matter, and generate tons of these unique beauties. Use them for journaling, oracle cards, or whatever you want. Try it out! Detailed instructions and examples included. --v 6

Argument 1 = “Beautiful female profile in a crescent moon” The various “Argument 1” designs seem to be The design is set against a background that looks like old parchment or a map, adding to the vintage, industrial aesthetic of the piece. A significant portion of the central image is covered with brown squares, making it difficult to determine what is underneath this area. The overall appearance suggests a complex and imaginative interpretation of a machine with a retro-futuristic feel. If one were to ask for a prompt to describe this image, it would be something like this: “Describe a steampunk-style machine design with a vintage, industrial aesthetic.” Write a short story set in a world powered by these complex steampunk machines. Old Vintage Art. Transform any object into vintage art. Check out this cool style! Get this Midjourney v6 prompt, add your own subject matter, and generate tons of these unique beauties. Use them for journaling, oracle cards, or whatever you want. Try it out! Detailed instructions and examples included. --v 6





  1. ★Argument 1 = “ome chess pieces on a chessboard”  ←可変要素「議論1=「チェス盤の上のチェスの駒」。」
  2. The various “Argument 1” designs seem to be The design is set against a background that looks like old parchment or a map, adding to the vintage, industrial aesthetic of the piece.  ←固定要素「様々な 「Argument 1 」のデザインは、古い羊皮紙や地図のような背景を背景に、ヴィンテージでインダストリアルな美的感覚を加えている。」
  3. A significant portion of the central image is covered with brown squares, making it difficult to determine what is underneath this area.  ←固定要素「中央の画像のかなりの部分が茶色の四角で覆われており、この部分の下に何があるのかを判断するのは難しい。」
  4. The overall appearance suggests a complex and imaginative interpretation of a machine with a retro-futuristic feel.  ←固定要素「全体的な外観は、レトロフューチャーを感じさせる複雑で想像力豊かなマシンの解釈を示唆している。」
  5. If one were to ask for a prompt to describe this image, it would be something like this: “Describe a steampunk-style machine design with a vintage, industrial aesthetic.”  ←固定要素「このイメージを説明するためのプロンプトを求めるとしたら、次のようなものだろう: 「ヴィンテージで工業的な美的感覚を持つスチームパンクスタイルのマシンデザインを描写せよ」。」
  6. Write a short story set in a world powered by these complex steampunk machines.  ←固定要素「これらの複雑なスチームパンク・マシーンで動く世界を舞台にした短編小説を書こう。」
  7. Old Vintage Art.  ←固定要素「ヴィンテージ・アート 」
  8. Transform any object into vintage art.  ←固定要素「どんなものでもヴィンテージ・アートに変身。」
  9. Check out this cool style!  ←固定要素「このクールなスタイルをご覧あれ!」
  10. Get this Midjourney v6 prompt, add your own subject matter, and generate tons of these unique beauties.  ←固定要素「このMidjourney v6プロンプトを入手し、独自の題材を追加し、これらのユニークな美しさを大量に生成する。 」
  11. Use them for journaling, oracle cards, or whatever you want.  ←固定要素「ジャーナリングやオラクルカードなど、お好きなものにお使いください。」
  12. Try it out!  ←固定要素「お試しあれ!」
  13. Detailed instructions and examples included.  ←固定要素「詳細な指示と例が含まれる。」
  14. --v 6 ←固定要素「バージョン6」




Generate an image.
Argument 1 = “ome chess pieces on a chessboard” The various “Argument 1” designs seem to be The design is set against a background that looks like old parchment or a map, adding to the vintage, industrial aesthetic of the piece. A significant portion of the central image is covered with brown squares, making it difficult to determine what is underneath this area. The overall appearance suggests a complex and imaginative interpretation of a machine with a retro-futuristic feel. If one were to ask for a prompt to describe this image, it would be something like this: “Describe a steampunk-style machine design with a vintage, industrial aesthetic.” Write a short story set in a world powered by these complex steampunk machines. Old Vintage Art. Transform any object into vintage art. Check out this cool style! Get this Midjourney v6 prompt, add your own subject matter, and generate tons of these unique beauties. Use them for journaling, oracle cards, or whatever you want. Try it out! Detailed instructions and examples included.















Tipsなら、無料ですぐに記事の販売をはじめることができます Tipsの詳細はこちら





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